Thursday, October 9, 2014

Great reward!

Randalls Auto Body and Towing this week received a huge box from UPS. Everyone was really confused because no one had ordered anything from a Company called IN THE NEWS. To our surprise we opened the huge box and inside was a huge wall plaque with the article that the American Towman had in their magazine in the September issue A SIGN IN THE DESERT. The article was about Randalls Auto Body and Towing. This Company had laminated the article and it was placed on this beautiful piece of Mohagony wood and also was an engraved plaque the read RANDALLS AUTO BODY AND TOWING featured in the September 2014 issue of the American Towman Magazine. It is beautiful and will be placed in our business office until someday it will be given to our son Shad Randall for him and his family to enjoy which they played a huge part in making this all happen. The photos do not do it justice but I thought it would be nice for all of you to see. The article was posted a few weeks ago that is the article that is laminated a placed on this plaque. Great Job Deb Goebel account executive from IN THE NEWS! And thanks again American Towman Magazine for making all this happen. A great Tribute to Tex and Mary Randall wish you both were here to enjoy this time with us!

Randall's Towing ABP
(480) 339-0986

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